
wow a blog. i definitely know how to code this.




HUZZAH a blog post

hey there! sorry i haven't posted in a bit. it's the final week of school! i can't wait to get out of this shithole lol. i had a fun conversation with my mom today about university & studies, i'm pretty excited 'cause ive been thinking to go and study history when i'm old enough. i'll have to try and actually focus on school now that shit's getting real. it's not like they'll be looking at my grades from 7th grade when deciding if they should yknow let me in uni or whatever. but they Will be looking at exam results, so i'm crossing my fingers and i'm gonna try focusing up next year. and the year after that. and the year after that. also, i'm very excited for artfight! my af page is linked in socials. ahhh can't wait happy summer friends (even tho im sweating balls every day of the week) (not very pleasant) (but i'm free for 2 months...)


hello friends!

it's thursday! this week's been pretty great for me so far. i got a pretty decent amount of schoolwork done & i'm now actually passing chemistry so i'm pretty happy about that :P just 2 more weeks left & i'm free! i've had a lot of thoughts for projects and all so i'm pretty excited to get all of that done, just need to actually focus for once. sorry my words r all scrambled i don't really know what to write about. just wanna keep this happy moment somewhere here so i can read back on it. a lot of the time i forget there r good moments in life. remember to treasure those or something. thanks for reading :3



hii thought it was about time i actually try to write something. i wasn't in the mood for school today but i got through it pretty easily and i went for some fast food w/ my family. my brother was recently involved in a bike accident & they released him from the hospital today. i remember visiting him the first few times and though our relationship can be rocky sometimes my heart was rlly aching for him. it's a little weird to see the liveliest person you know in a hospital bed high on painkillers lol. but he's alright now. i'm glad i can make him laugh. i've been trying to muster up some sort of motivation to draw, but it doesn't always work out. i'm pretty tired. school break is in 3 weeks and a lot of my classes will be online because the ppl in the grades above me r having exams and all. i just want summer break to start and sleep properly for once. i'm so tired of waking up at 6 in the morning man. anyway i think that's all for now.


incredible. a blog post.

heyyy first blog post. i won't write anything extensive yet, but coding this was interesting as i did it mostly by myself. the article part, anyway. and the little date up top! so that's fun.

more posts to come... probably

Red Crosshair